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  • As a freelance writer you might find it will become necessary to learn to increase your typing speed. As you business grows or you have deadlines, the need for speed will increase. There are a number of methods out there to help you do so.
    How to Increase Typing Speed

    As a freelance writer you might find it will become necessary to learn to increase your typing speed. As you business grows or you have deadlines, the need for speed will increase. There are a number of methods out there to help you do so.   Time Simply, over time as you type more and […]

  • These are only a few ways to ensure the safety of your documents, but as they are simple and easy to put into place, they should be easy to start using immediately.
    How To Ensure Safety of Documents on your Computer

    As a freelance writer, you are likely juggling loads of projects. Depending upon what you are writing you will want to keep things secure, for a couple of reasons, client confidentiality and to avoid having your work stolen, especially in this day and age when many of us work from cafes or shared co-working spaces. […]

  • As a new freelance writer, you may believe a number of myths that we will debunk today, so you, as a newbie will know what to expect.
    Debunking 7 Myths About Freelance Writing

    As a new freelance writer, you may believe a number of myths that we will debunk today, so you, as a newbie will know what to expect.   Myth #1 You have to have a journalism or writing degree. This is simply not true, with the demand for online content, provided you can write well […]

  • These are only two ideas, but very important to your continued success as a freelancer. If you keep these in mind you are likely to increase your bottom line and maintain your happiness and avoid burnout.
    2 Freelancing Mistakes To Avoid in 2016

    If you’ve been freelancing for a while you may have made a few mistakes. If you are like many people who make resolutions at the start of the year, here are a couple that will help make 2016 a better year for you. You will have an exceptional year in freelancing if you can avoid […]

  • Besides loving the work, most freelance writers enjoy the freedom the lifestyle provides for them. And for most of us, it’s what keeps us coming back for more!
    A Day in The Life of a Freelance Writer

    When you work as a freelance writer, people often think you are sitting at your computer or typewriter pondering life and working on “the great novel.” This may be true sometimes, but that’s more often on your personal time. As a freelance writer, you are usually working on something, finishing something up, or preparing to […]

  • Most of these things are small and are not too much of an issue in the daily life of an online writer, but they are things to be aware of. Again, the perks far outweigh these minor issues.
    Things That Annoy Online Writers

    As an online writer there are definite perks to being able to work from home or from any location in the world. As a group, it is agreed that being able to go from bed to work-space in minutes is awesome. But, today we will discuss the things that annoy online writers.   This first […]

  • This is just a brief overview of some of the types of writing jobs that are available. As you branch out and find what you prefer, you will be able to narrow your focus and select the right position for you.
    Types of Writing Jobs You Can Take Up

    Are you after a writing job? Perhaps you are a new grad and are searching for some type of work, or maybe you are an aspiring freelance writer? Whichever your situation, there is vast array of writing jobs out there. We will cover a few here to give you some ideas and to help you […]

  • How to find writing projects
    Freelance Writing Jobs:How to Find Writing Projects

    A freelance writer needs to have a constant supply of writing jobs if they are to survive the competition in freelance writing. It is not easy to land lucrative writing gigs, especially  for inexperienced writers who know little on how to find writing projects. Relax, this is how-to.   Visit Freelance Writing Websites You will […]

    Reasons Why is the Best Freelance Writing Agency

    All freelance writers have one thing in common: they want to write and get paid without a fuss. Every freelancer needs to have a partner they can trust to walk with them through their journey towards success in freelance writing. provides a lasting partnership to freelance writers as  has been for over five years. […]

  • Research and take notes to write a perfect article
    Freelance Writing Tips: 5 Steps on How to Write a Perfect Article

    Article writing seems simple for a writer who  is yet to get into serious freelance writing. You discover how serious a business it is when a client rejects your work or you end up with  countless revisions.  Irresponsible article writing  spells out doom for your freelancing career and if you are to salvage  your honor […]