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If you keep the above factors in mind when banking online you will greatly reduce your risk of being compromised and can bank with peace of mind and appreciate the convenience of banking from the comfort of your home!
Tips For Safe Online Banking

The convenience of online banking these days is great, but there are certain factors that  one should watch out for to minimize any risks to their accounts.


A secure password

The longer and more difficult your password, the more difficult it will be for hackers to get access. It should be a mix of upper and lower case letters and avoid using birthdays or your date of birth or common phrases, and if you can, change it every few months.


An account with two levels of authentication

Some banks offer this option and you can receive a one-time use code to gain access to your account. This is usually randomly generated and is difficult to duplicate.


Log in from a secure location

Try to avoid logging in from a public computer or a computer that you share with another. The information you use to log in can still be in the computer or in the case of auto fill; another person can gain access without much effort.


Log out completely when finished

This helps to avoid the situation as above, if you are logged out completely, there is less likelihood that someone coming after you can get into your account. It is also recommended that you clear your cache and set your personal computer to erase your history on a regular basis.


Monitor your accounts

If you do this, you are more than likely to notice any unusual activity very early and can alert your bank as soon as you see it and reduce major issues if your account is compromised.


If you keep the above factors in mind when banking online you will greatly reduce your risk of being compromised and can bank with peace of mind and appreciate the convenience of banking from the comfort of your home!