If you’re starting out as a freelance writer and you want to do some online writing gigs, here are seven ways to help ensure you keep your day job whilst doing so.
Try to make sure you can do your writing assignments during a time you don’t have to work; it makes a huge difference with regard to research and deadlines.
No online work at your day job
This may be a no-brainer but there will be that time you feel pressed for time and want to do your article at work. If it is pressing, just bring your laptop and do it on your break.
Don’t talk about it
Sometimes telling our coworkers what we may do in our spare time can hurt us. Someone may hear about it and think you want to leave and this can be a death knell for your future at that workplace.
Don’t mix your day job and your online writing gigs
Sometimes what you do in your day job may be your niche, but at all costs avoid writing anything currently relevant about your work, as it can violate confidentiality clauses.
Don’t write about coworkers
This one should also be clear for obvious reasons.
Treat both as if they are your day job
If you do this, it is much easier to look at your freelance work as something that is going to help boost your income, but it might just be a bit more fun than your day job.