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It is easy to break out of routine when freelancing so try and set yourself a target for the day. I usually go for a short walk or drive before I start working so I have that feeling of coming back to work rather than just rolling out of bed and crawling to my computer (which I did this morning!).
“I Enjoy Working in My PJs,” Says UK-based Falcon Writer

I woke up this morning and after enjoying a comfortable extra hour in bed, unburdened by a 9 to 5 job, I began to write, dressing gown and pajama attired and cup of tea in hand. It’s not easy being a freelance writer but it does offer flexibility and I don’t have to wear a suit to sit down in my living room in front of the computer. There is no one to bother me but my cat who insists on sitting on my keyboard clogging up my keys with her mounding fur.

The detriment to such flexibility can be lack of a regular income however. It becomes easier once you gain regular work with a particular magazine, newspaper, or website, but you may have to suffer many knock backs to get there.


Perseverance is key.

Be passionate about your writing and enjoy it, even when the subject matter you are considering or have been asked to write about is not your chosen field. Consider the gratification of others reading your work, and perhaps, dare I say it, be inspired by your words. Somebody somewhere will have an interest in your work even when the subject matter is not for the popular market.


Don’t be afraid of working for free.

There are websites I write for occasionally such as ‘’ and ‘’ who don’t pay but do offer rewards for regular writers. As a big film buff I enjoy writing for such sites, hoping my opinion will enhance the readers’ film knowledge and enable them to sort out the good from the bad in the movie world.   It won’t help your bank balance but writing about a subject you enjoy will draw you to your keyboard and will increase your motivation to sit and write before moving on to some paid work on the intricacies of the combustion engine or the best hairstyle of 2015, which may or may not ‘float your boat’.


Manage Time Wisely

It is easy to break out of routine when freelancing so try and set yourself a target for the day. I usually go for a short walk or drive before I start working so I have that feeling of coming back to work rather than just rolling out of bed and crawling to my computer (which I did this morning!). A little bit of fresh air can awaken your mind and creative juices. Arm yourself with something to snack on and a drink at hand to take away the excuse of going to the kitchen to prepare something. Have a shower so you at least smell fresh at your computer. Being awake physically is being awake mentally so ready yourself.


Allow time for lunch. Use music to propel you to write if necessary or try and create a noise free environment if you prefer. If necessary put the cat outside. Honestly, it is not easy typing through a mound of fur! The less distraction you have the better it will be to concentrate.


Reward yourself.

Set yourself a number of assignments to complete and when finished allow yourself to do something you enjoy. You may even be able to ‘finish early’ when your targets for the day are completed. It may or may not earn you the money you need that day but at least you won’t have to come home in rush hour traffic.


These are of course my opinions. You may or may not have a better way to set yourself the task of writing and that is fine. Please though, try and enjoy it and do not consider it a chore. You may even learn to enjoy writing about the combustion engine and consider taking a PHD on the subject!


Enjoy your day writing for