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The above disadvantages should by no means prevent you from working from home, instead they should be things that you should remember to look out for and prepare for.
5 Disadvantages of Working from Home

There are many reasons why working from home is great, but many times people don’t realize some of the disadvantages. They are not generally enough to deter one from working form home, but they can be an issue at times.



This is one of the number one issues for many that work from home. If you have children or pets, or even neighbors that think because you are home you are available. This is a problem as you are constantly interrupted and it can be difficult to get anything done.




Some may not think this is an issue, but depending on whether you work from home for a company or on your own business, the expense can add up. For example, you may need an additional phone line, another computer, and possibly an upgrade to your Wi-Fi connection.



Human Interaction

Often, no one thinks of this, but when working from home, you may find that you feel lonely or you miss social interaction. Sitting at one’s computer several hours a day can be very isolating and you may find that you are craving interaction with others. Often a good remedy for this is to head to a communal working space or your local coffee shop. In those places you can get what you need, but they are also good for helping you focus, and can increase creativity.



Falling Into Bad Habits

Working form home, you can get into the bad habit of sitting in your pajamas, or living in your yoga pants, and forgoing basic grooming habits. You can also fall into the trap of working too much. If you don’t define your day and your work hours, you may find yourself working 12-16 hour days and working on the weekends.


The above disadvantages should by no means prevent you from working from home, instead they should be things that you should remember to look out for  and prepare for.