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If the above ten things suit you, then you are most definitely meant to be a creative writer and the world cannot wait to see what stories you have for us.
10 Signs That You Were Meant to be a Creative Writer

Ever wonder if you were meant to be a creative writer? If so, here are ten signs that you were meant to be.


People Watching

You’ve always enjoyed watching people, observing and wondering why they do the things they do. For a creative writer this is the beginning of character development. Understanding why people do the things they do.



If you’ve a tendency to over analyze your feelings, why you feel so intensely and why you have to analyze that feeling…well, you get where this is going.



You’ve likely always journaled at some point in your life. You have  old diaries or various journals dotted about with your feelings and general observations written inside, or ideas you’ve had.


You prefer solitary tie, in order to think dream, and create. You often need to be alone in order to hear your inner voice and listen to what it’s telling you, it’s also where you sometimes get your newest ideas.


Crave Writing

When you haven’t written in a while you feel the lack, and when you finally do, you feel happy and free.



You need lots of time to sit and think. You prefer to do it solo, and you like to think of it as an Olympic sport. You enjoy it and intentionally set yourself the task of “thinking”.



You believe all the best writers have to suffer. If you haven’t suffered, really what is there to write about? You want to share the human experience, but you often feel in order for people to be happy, they have to have suffered. It’s part of the experience.


Crave solitude

You prefer being alone in order to process your experience so you can write about it. It’s difficult to process something if you have to experience it with a person first.


Love of Reading

This is self-explanatory. Most creative writers have a love of reading, its usually how their own desire starts.


Stories in your head

You have stories in your head that you absolutely have to get out and share with the world.


If the above ten traits suit you, then you are most definitely meant to be a creative writer and the world cannot wait to see what stories you have for us.