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There are many freelance writers in the world all bidding for the same jobs and approaching the same publications and websites that you are. It isn’t easy to make headway in this busy market place. Therefore it makes sense to hone your writing skills and eliminate any mistakes you have unknowingly been making, and be a cut above others competing with you.
The Benefits of Taking a Writing Class

Many of you reading this have possibly never considered taking a writing class. And why should you? You possibly think you are one of the finest writers in existence and the fact that you may not be published yet is a mystery to you. Your fingers expel creative genius whenever you sit down and write so why haven’t publishers picked up on this yet? Possibly because you are not as good as you think you are. Blasphemy I know!


There are many freelance writers in the world all bidding for the same jobs and approaching the same publications and websites that you are. It isn’t easy to make headway in this busy market place. Therefore it makes sense to hone your writing skills and eliminate any mistakes you have unknowingly been making, and be a cut above others competing with you.


Whatever your level of writing skill you could consider joining a writing class. Here are some reasons why.


Meet Other Writers. Writing can be a lonely profession but at a writing class you will meet others with the same interest as you. The opportunity to share ideas and information with other people is invaluable. The writing class may only be a beginning. The people you are meeting could become the start of a regular writing group, or even (deep breath) friends!


Concentrate Your Focus. Most freelance writers know how the flexibility of their chosen profession can lead to distraction and procrastination. An extra hour in bed, another cup of tea, a quick trip to the shops, and many other excuses lead to a less than fruitful working day. Attending a writing class can overcome this. It is likely you will be given assignments to complete. This will force you to sit down and write whether you feel like it or not. The opportunity to be graded may make you write with better focus and clarity so as to get those good grades.


Be Teachable. Your writing teacher should be qualified to assess and review your work. The advice they give to you could be invaluable and enable you to become a better writer as a result. You may be making simple grammatical or spelling mistakes and these will be highlighted. The teacher may also have contacts with other writers and professionals to help you in your journey as a writer.


Explore Your Interests. There are many different types of writing class and not all may be for you. Consider the type of writing you enjoy and look for a class that can accommodate you. Possible classes may include short story writing, writing a novel, poetry writing, blogging, understanding of the English language and more. Find one that is relevant to your needs.


Help Others. It isn’t only the writing teacher who will assess your work. Other members of the class may be given opportunity to do so too. In turn you will have the chance to help others by sharing your opinion on their writing. Being able to critique each other fairly and honestly will only help you become a better writer. The people in your class represent your readers so it is good to listen to their feedback.