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Whatever subject you are writing about there is guaranteed to be something online to assist you. Use the internet wisely and you will find a goldmine of information you can use. Make sure you dig a little bit first however.
Research Advice For the Freelance Writer

As a freelance writer you often need to research the subject you are writing about.   It was not so long ago that most research was done in public libraries but now, in this internet age, you have a whole world of information at the press of a button.


The internet is a great tool but you need to make sure you are getting all the facts you need. Wikipedia, for example, is a great means of information, but as that information is provided by anonymous users you are not always guaranteed the truth. Head for the main page and in black and white it tells you that the site is a free encyclopaedia that anyone can edit. Be careful then and treble check the sources you use to ensure you are writing the truth. After all you don’t want to be sued for using incorrect information.

Here are some tips on finding accurate information for your writing:


Government websites contain a plethora of information based on research. For example for USA readers and for those in the UK may prove invaluable to freelance writers. Government archives are freely available for those looking for information on a range of subjects, including science, education and health.


Look for the source in anything you read. Many articles online contain a link to where the information was originally found. This could be a quote, a survey, a piece of research etc. By heading to the source you may find more information you can use for your writing. Be sure that the source is non biased however. A wine company may have conducted ‘research’ into the positive effects of alcohol for example but they may not be impartial. Use your common sense then.


Independent research organisations such as the British Library ( and the National Institute of Health ( contain reliable, backed up data.   The British Library site allows you to contact them in getting help in gaining the research you need.


Market research companies such as contain public opinion polls. These polls are then compiled into data which is invaluable for the government, organisations, and marketing companies in understanding what people think on a diverse range of subjects. It is also invaluable for the freelance writer who can base their writing on public opinion.

Ensure that you quote the source of any external information you use. Should your source prove to be inaccurate you can not be blamed for its failings.

Whatever subject you are writing about there is guaranteed to be something online to assist you. Use the internet wisely and you will find a goldmine of information you can use. Make sure you dig a little bit first however.