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You will be surprised how wonderful ideas are born out of ordinary experiences, some of which will enable you to advance in your freelance writing career.
Inspiration For the Freelance Writer

The freelance writer is often faced with a lack of inspiration. The struggle to write something fresh is  common to all writers, be they freelance or employed. However, it is particularly hard for freelance writers because they often have to come up with their own ideas. This is in no way a bad thing due to the sense of freedom this creates. Too much freedom can still be an obstacle though so you need to focus your time in doing something productive to stir up your creative juices.


Here’s how to get your creative juices flowing so you can continue writing ( and making more money!):


Read something. If you are struggling to write, then read instead. Read a blog, a book, a magazine, anything that might trigger something in you to write. Read for pleasure and read for research. You might find a theme that you could offer a new perspective on. A good writer might stir up your writing passion by their skill with the written word. A good writer is often a good reader.


Take a walk. Walking can exercise your mind as well as your body. Take a note book with you in preparation for any ideas your mind generates as you walk. Use your senses. Look, listen, smell, and touch. It is amazing what you can gain by being a part of the world around you. It may be something as simple as the problem of dropped litter. You may be inspired to write something on the wonders of creation by walking somewhere scenic. Listen in on conversations (discreetly) and discover what people are talking about. Is it something worth writing about?


Your family and friends. Talk to the people closest to you about their concerns or joys in life. They may have a perspective on something that you have never thought about. Children often have an innocence that is refreshing and untainted by adult concerns. Listen to what they have to say. Tell your family and friends that you need some inspiration and ask for their ideas. Engage them in deeper conversations to gain valuable insight into their world. Spend time with people and discover something new.


Keep up to date with world events. There is a lot of nonsense in our newspapers today. They are obsessed with one celebrity after another. They celebrate the mediocre. They are often politically biased. The front page is concerned with a famous person’s drug shame/divorce/wedding/ new outfit etc. Make your writing count for something better than this. There are many issues in the world that need to be written about with unbiased perspective. A starving country is more important than a celebrity’s weight loss/gain. Homelessness is a more pressing concern than taking a peek into someone’s  home.

You will be surprised how wonderful ideas are born out of  ordinary experiences, some of which will enable you to advance in your freelance writing  career.